Saturday, June 16, 2018

Just a Note

Although it may not seem it I'm a reasonable person. I'm considering shutting this blog down to the public at large because of time wasted on comments that are not productive. The most recent one was about a photo of Agnes with Tanya and the stern remark that it's not Tanya it's some reporter or another. Trust me it's Tanya or her twin Sandra but I've info on the pic and other pics of Tanya to compare it to. I've removed the picture but not because I'm wrong it's because I'm tired of anonymous folks preaching to me about Agnes as if they knew her like the back of their own hand. You guys are entitled to believe whatever you chose to believe. The other day I had someone lecture me about grammatical mistakes in one of the pages and to you, I say if you've read it and all you've got to say about it is a snide remark about the grammar then you missed the point of the blog in the first place. You may only comment on this blog if you identify yourself and if you cannot be bothered to do that I cannot be bothered to give a crap about your opinion. If you want to troll someone please feel free to go to Twitter and troll somebody.

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