Monday, May 1, 2017

All The Russells Neatly In A Row

Just discovered that a picture of Agnes during her divorce proceedings against Jack Lee demonstrates the close knit Hollywood/New York City community.  It's this one:

Unbeknownst to me the woman standing with Agnes in this picture is none other than the baby sister of Rosalind Russell.  Her name is Elizabeth Roberta Russell and her nickname is Lee. She gave testimony on behalf on Agnes testifying to abuse witnessed at the hands of Jack Lee during the divorce trial....small, small world!

Found a snap of this with slightly different point of view in the L.A. Times May 1951 that identifies Elizabeth Russell as a witness on behalf of Agnes.


vwstieber said...


I stumbled upon your blog as a result of reading a review of the upcoming BLACKENSTEIN BluRay release (yes, the internet rabbit-hole-effect was at work here). I'm looking forward to slowly working my way backwards through your posts--fascinating stuff!

My first exposure to AM was either BEWITCHED or SORRY, WRONG NUMBER (like most of the population) as a kid. Probably my favorite performance of hers was in MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS--I love pretty much all things Orson Welles, and especially the Mercury Theatre, so even more reason to read your fascinating blog.

Cheers !

--Volker Stieber

Unknown said...

Hi again, Tamela. I am truly excited that only this afternoon I found your page and your blogs about Agnes Moorehead and plan on devouring all this wonderful info very soon! I have loved Agnes Moorehead since I was 8 yrs old, and while I am not into theatre by most means, I can certainly appreciate it. It's because of Ms. Moorehead that I even know the names Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Walter Pigeon, Greer Garson, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Maurice Evans, it's as if Ms. Moorehead has served as a connection to the past of this country and to history for me. She's the only reason that an old man, when I was 12, said I was one of the only kids he'd ever liked in his life because I knew who she was. I knew about the Mercury Theatre when I was that young. One of the things I also knew, or read, that she and Jack Lee had a volatile relationship and that he beat her on more than one occasion. I am glad to see this particular post and to know Ms. Moorehead had people in her corner. Thank you for your posts!

Unknown said...

Hi there, just wondering if you will get to come back to the blog anytime soon! I have written a couple of comments and wrote an email, I hope everything is well with you! I'm commenting here because I am going through withdrawals! Tamela, where is your witty, in-depth, and thought-provoking mind? We need more Agnes! ;-)

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