Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Muskingum Years

In August 1919 Agnes Robertson Moorehead began her college career at Muskingum College in New Concord Ohio.  It was country she was extremely comfortable with as her grandparents did not live all that far away.  Agnes was taking steps on her own but it must be remembered  that college life then and what we are familiar with today are so vastly different that they seem to be separated by hundreds of years.

 This photo was taken in the summer of 1919 when Agnes was 18.  The woman immediately in front of her is her mother, the kneeling gentleman is her father and the woman beside her is Aunt Cam.

The first huge difference was the replacement of two parents by an army of educators.  Women were housed together in houses under the watchful of house mothers.  There was no such thing as being unchaperoned with the opposite sex at any time.  When Agnes first went to the campus at Muskingum there wasn't even such a thing as a sorority on campus.  They would not be permitted until the following year.  But there were other organizations to partake of.

One of the first groups Agnes found her way into was the girls athletic association.  It was a group she would remain associated with for the remainder of her college career.

Agnes is on the top and was 18 or 19 years old when this photograph was taken.

Every year the freshman class was separated into young men and young women for a group picture.
The young woman with hat and scarf is Agnes.  She was 18 years old when this picture was taken.

She is listed as being a member of the literary society as well her freshman year.  By the time her sophomore year rolled around she had branched out in to a great many more activities.

She was a member of the girls Glee Club.
Some one has said that the two prerequisites for a good Girls Glee Club are good singers and pretty girls.  Since Muskingum meets both of these requirements how could the Glee Club help but be a success?
Each girl in the club is full of spirit and pep but, should she ever lose any, the enthusiasm of Professor Lundquest urges each girl to display her best effort. 
The girls were rather late in organizing and for that reason were unable to take a trip at Christmas time.  But steady work soon proved to all that though later in starting, the girls were able to over come the lead that the Boys Glee Club had in this respect.  The girls even got ahead of the boys in putting on their home concert and the success of that musical program rivaled any given in the past.  The beauty with which Carmina was given, the catchy little songs of the quartet, the clever readings and simplicity of old Folk Songs all combined to make a truly delightful evening.
The Girls Glee Club is an all around Muskingum organization for it is every ready to lend its assistance to any college affair, be it Y.M. or Y.W., oratorical contests, chapel services or some class that wants to put on a stunt.

She was a member of the Athletic A's or The A Association
Motto: Health and happiness
Aim: The stimulation of interest and enthusiasm in the Department of Physical Education and the promotion of good health, physical development, and wholesome fellowship among the girls of the department and of the college.
The "A" girls do not always consider the more serious subjects of health and development, but they do try to find "health and happiness."  Haven't you noticed the "A" girls coming to classes a trifle late some bright May morning?  They were at the "A" breakfast having such a good time that they couldn't leave earlier.  They had risen early and hiked to some cozy place where they had cooked their breakfast and oh, how good it did taste!  They are surely a jolly bunch of girls.

She was a member of Delta Theta Gamma.

She was a member of the Erodelphian Literary Society.  "Now would you like to know something about us?  Look us over.  Not a large group we admit but we are right there when it comes to what you want.  Whether it be debate on the question, "Resolved, that a hairnet is a thing of beauty and a joy forever" or whether it be on the subject of the League of Nations, we are equally able to rise to the occasion.  Our meetings are never dull but are peppy all the way through.  We find that after a week of classes a rest is need for the fagged brain and tired body, so we indulge in a few frivolities every now and then.  "Stunts" are our specialty and those who worked up on the adventures of Mr.s Lockett and Miss Lavaaiere have furnished us with great amusement.
" The Twig of Thorn, " a play by Miss Josephine Warren broke into our regular meetings for a few weeks but the time spent on it was well worth the work.  It is said that person gains something from living a part in a play, that can never be got in any other way.  For it broadens one's sympathies and widens ones understanding of human nature.
Our object has been not only to strive for the attainments in literary lines but to work toward the greatest and highest good in life.  In the words of Browning, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, else what's heaven for?"

 Sophomore picture.

Her junior year saw the same level of activity.

Erodelphian Society

Delta Theta Gamma

Glee Club

Junior Class Picture
She played the romantic lead in the junior class production as a young man.  She is standing 3rd from the left.

Her senior year leaves us with 2 photographs.
Athletic A's

She is on the first row fourth from the right.

A theatrical production.
She is standing 3rd from the right in the back row.

It should be noted that according to Agnes she played a hot ukulele when she was in college.  She was an excellent dancer and once nearly got expelled for doing a dance move called "the bump and grind" in a talent production.  She found herself in the presidents office as a result of this highly provocative move.  She was a bit of a wild girl when she was feeling her oats.

Agnes graduated in 1923 but stayed for one more year doing post graduate work before moving to Soldiers Grove Wisconsin where she took up a position as a teacher.  She began to pursue her Masters at the University of Wisconsin.  Below are a few pages from a book I own that she used in her graduate studies.
 She wrote in the book making notes to herself on what to follow up on.

She was, it seems, a scholar, an athlete, a socialite, and an actress.  That was only college the best was yet to come.

Next Installation
New York, New York, New York

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