Saturday, August 10, 2024

What's Up?

I have had a couple of my readers checking in to see what's up and why I haven't posted much lately. So here goes. I haven't posted anything in a very long time because I am actually writing a book. It will be about our Aggie. I've spent much of the last year researching for the project. I've been to Wisconsin, Ohio and New York. I've uncovered some jaw dropping things during those excursions. The book will be an in depth look at her life from 1919 to her death. I have always loved my cousin and it's just possible I love her even more since beginning researching her in depth. I've discovered that this magnificent creature is far more complex than any of us ever thought she might be. There is a strength and determination in her that defies explanation. I can hardly wait to share her once more with you all. Not just her but her family in it's entirety and how they helped form the woman we all know as Aggie. Stay tuned for updates!