Growing Up Moorehead

 United Presbyterian Choir from Hamilton, Ohio.  Photo dated 1906 from the George C. Cummins collection:
Front Row:Louise Jacobs, Dr. J.H. Morehead, Edwin Henes, Mrs. J.H. Moorehead
Top Row:Dr. J.A.B. Stewart, Robert Henes, Clara Aten, Mrs. Thomas Beckett, Helen Beckett, Thomas Beckett, Addie Bruning.                                                 
Organist immediately to the left of the picture is Dr. F. C. Mayer                                                                              
This picture was taken the year Peggy was born. Now we all know exactly what John Henderson Moorehead looked like and you can see Agnes in his face very clearly.  This is the man she idolized.       
First grade Harrison School, 1906. Teacher - Margaret Caldwell. Class of 1918 HHS. First grade class. (First row) Carl Sauter, Meinie Geckler, John Kuhn, Wilbur Schneideer, unidentified, Sol Greenberg, Neil Millikin, Luther Soehner, Theodore Hackley, unidentified. (Middle row) unidentified, Freida Keiser, Agnes Moorehead, Sylvia Berkowitz, unidentified, Lucille Hendricks, 2 unidentified, Shirley Bruck, unidentified, 2 unidentified. (Last row) _____ Brown, Minor Heinie, 2 unidentified, Maxwell Richardson, Albert Muntz, Lester Keohler, _____ Dawson, 2 unidentified.                                                                                                                                            
Agnes is the lovely young girl in the middle row with an A penciled on her.  She would have been 5 or 6 years old, depending on when they allowed her to start school.  Such a beautiful pensive child.